Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Today was their 2 month doctor's visit.
Louis weighed in at 10 lbs and 7 ounces
Matteo is exactly 10 lbs.
I have to look and see what age Izzy was 10 lbs, that will be fun to know!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How they roll at 2 months

Currently they like to be awake during traditional lunch and dinner times. Does that make them mean or smart to get in on the action? Luckily (or not for him) Dan is home during most of the long awake time from about 4 pm - 12 midnight, give or take. They eat, they fuss, they want to be held, they don't want to be held, and so on. A good time is had by all. We try and eat during that time, too. It's a little rough. Lots of cold food...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The boys - even Boo


This small blog is to follow the goings on of Matteo and Louis, so hopefully we won't forget anything!

In the first 2 months of life we don't want to forget:

-Louis's little baby noises that sound like a goat
-Matteo has quickly gone from skinny to plump
-Matteo loves to relax on Dad's pillow. He snoozed so long one morning his diaper leaked and we had to change the whole bed.
-At one week old, Louis was a champ and had his first ultrasound at the Cardiologist's office (nothing was wrong)
-They gave Mom gall stones and 5 days in the hospital right before Christmas